The First Class
Class of 1932

Our Honored Charter Members

$50,000 +

30,000 +
Harford Mutual Insurance Group
Ms. Patricia Cole in honor of her father Mr. Bernard J. Cole, Class of 1949

$20,000 +
Drew and Lisa Fender and Family Scholarship Fund

$10,000 +
The Hash Family and in honor of Bert J. and Stella J. Hash, Sr.

$5,000 +
BG (Retired) Roosevelt Barfield on behalf of Patricia Cole-Barfield in honor of her father, Bernard J. Cole
Community Projects of Havre de Grace, Inc.
Ms. Brenda James in honor of her father Mr. Bernard James

$2,500 +
Ms. Anita Boorman
VANHATT, L.L.C., in honor of Mr. Vandellia and Mrs. Hattie Williams
The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge (F&AM) of Maryland and Its Jurisdictions, Inc.
RW Gerald C. Matthews, Jr.
RW Jessie J. Shanks, Sr.
RW Lawrence K. Montgomery, Jr.
RW Charles D. Corum
RW Kevin E. Cosby, Sr.
PM Walter Winder
RW Jacque Brown
Noble Dwayne Adams
Noble Melvin Adderley
Noble Phillip James

$1,000 +
Brown, Kell, Tildon & Williams Families
Allen & Sylvia Bryan
Ms. Janice Barrow-Widman
Mr. Edmundt & Mrs. Irene Gion
Mr. Donald & Mrs. Wendy Claus and the Claus Family Giving Fund
Mr. Lawrence L. Cole, Sr. in honor of his brother Bernard J. Cole
Consolidated Alumni Association
Mr. Emmitt Fletcher & Mrs. Vera Fletcher
Mrs. Janice E. Grant and Mr. Woodrow B. Grant
Ms. Janice Grant in honor of James Simmons & Melvin Reed
Ms. Janice Grant in honor of Kenny Moorehead
Harford County Branch of NAACP
Mr. Ronald Hathway
Mr. Phillip Hunter
Ms. Marsha Jacksteit
Ms. May Kuroiwa
Lower Susquehanna Heritage Greenway, Inc.
Mr. David & Nancy Lynch
Mr. John Morter
Mr. Jessie J. Shanks, Sr.
Ms. Amy Shipley
St. James AME Church
Dr. Clayton C., Jr. & Mrs. Catherine P. Stansbury in honor of Clayton C., Sr. & Mrs. Mary L. Stansbury, George T. Stansbury, Mr. Russell D. Stansbury
Mrs. Carrie Gordon, Mr. Eddie Franklin, Sr. (Bus Driver), and the 1951 Graduating Class
Rev Roger L. Tatuem and Miriam L. Tatuem
Ms. Bonnie Watts-Cook
Mr. Gerard D. Paradis, Jr.

$500 +
Mr. Glenn Carrington
Mr. Isaac Cole in honor of Sheldon Cole, Ella Mae Cole, Edwin L. Cole, Janet Cole Winn
Mr. Robert W. Cole, Jr. in honor of Ms. Gladys Beatrice Cole, class of 1949
Ms. Mary F. Crowe
Harford County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Mr. Edmund & Mrs. Irene Goin
Dr. George M. Hampton
Ms. Jean Johnson
Les Charmantes Social Club
Mr. Joshua League
The Family of Nathaniel & Dorothy Mullen
Rev. Norman and Mrs. Suzanne Obenshain
Mrs. Lillie (Cole) Paschall in honor of Robert "Bubby" Cole, Bernard J. Cole, and Vivian (Cole) Robinson, loving bothers and sister
The Havre de Grace Rotary Club
Ms. Joyce Shambley
Mr. Richard Spencer and Mrs. Jo Ann Spencer
St. Matthew A.U.M.P. Church
Dr. Clayton C., Jr. & Mrs. Catherine P. Stansbury
Mr. Theodore Stokes
Ms. Brittany Powell and Mr. Greg Brittany Teitelbaum
Union United Methodist Church
Ms. Debbie Walters
Ms. Mildred (Williams) Batte
Ms. Mary Williams
Ms. Eva Williams
Ms. Gladys I. Williams
Mrs. Catherine (Williams) Burks
Mr. James W. Whitehead, Jr.
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Beta Chapter Lines of 1985, 1986 and 1988 in memory of Ms. Cleo P. Hoke

$100 +
Ms. Brigette B. Adkins
Alchemy Enterprises, LLC.
Ms. Carol Allen
Amanda's Florist & Gifts
Lieutenant Colonel Aric Arnold & Mrs. Cheryl Arnold
The Havre de Grace Arts Collective
Colonel Warrren & Mrs. Andrena Bacote
Ms. Joann Bagnorise
Ms. Kylie Barfield in honor of Mr. Bernard J. Cole, Class of 1949
Andre' Batson
Mr. Daniel & Mrs. Iris Barnes
Mr. Graham Becker
Mrs. Cassandra Beverley-Goffin
Colonel (Retired) Michael Black
Mr. Stevenson Bolden in honor of James Bolden & in memory of Adell Bolden
Mr. Willie Brown in memory of Ms. Mary Francis Williams
Mr. Ronald Browning
Mrs. Carol Bruce
Mr. Don Bruce in honor of Mrs. Elizabeth Joyner Sawyer
Ms. Lona Bryan
Ms. Donna Burton
Mr. & Mrs. Albert & Betty Caffo in memory of Rose Carter, one of the first Black female graduates of Ohio State University
Ms. Deborah Campbell
Ms. Richard Carey
Ms. Joy M. Carter
Ms. Tonya & Mr. Tyno Carter
Ms. Phyllis Chaney
Mr. James & Carolyn Chrismer
Mr. James & Mrs. Greta Clark
Ms. Andrea Taylor Claud in honor of my mother Catherine D. Taylor & in memory of my father Andrew E. Taylor
Mr. Godfrey Clayton
Ms. Beth Clinkenbeard
Ms. Cleo Cole in honor of Bernard J. Cole, class of 1949
Mr. Bernard A. Cole and Mrs. Trudy C. Cole in honor of Bernard J. Cole, father
Ms. Sheryl L. Coleman
Mr. Edgar & Ms. Dorothy Collins
Mr. Charles Corum
Ms. Gwendolyn Crimiel
Mr. Emil Cromwell
Mr. Emmeth & Mrs. Barbara Daniel
The Delta Education and Public Service Foundation
Mr. Allen Deshong
Mr. Larry Dickinson
Ms. Sharon Downey
Ms. Elizabeth Buck Duggan in honor and memory of Amy Shipley and her legacy, with love and respect, the family of Frank Buck
Mr. Thomas & Mrs. Suzanne Downey
Mr. Gregory Elder
Ms. Linda Ellis (wife) and Pumpkin Johnson (daughter) in honor of John Francis Ellis, Sr. (Buster)
Ms. Florene Fields
Ms. Patricia Fisher
Ms. Margaret S. Fluitt
Ms. Kathleen Fitzhugh in memory of Ms. Mary Grace "Gracie" Hawkins
Ms. Margaret S. Fluitt
Ms. Ellen Garriest
Mr. Edmund Gion
Ms. Irene Gion
Golden Pillars Financial Services Group, LLC, Rudy Johnson, President & CEO
Ms. Tamara Green
Ms. Pamala Griffin
Jessie, Archie, Jason Grimmett
Ms. Gloria Hagans
Ms. Mary Hastler
Colonel (Retired) Mechelle Hale
Ms. Hazeline Harris
Winford Harvey
Mr. John Hawkins
Mr. Edward Hayes
Richard & Mary Herbig
Wynona C. Hilton-Stanley
Ms. Lillian Holloman
Ms. Lois Hoffer
Ms. Cleo P. Hoke in honor of Ted & Margaret Hoke
Ms. Lorraine Holman
J.M. Holland
Ms. Aravia Holloman
Ms. Lorraine Holman
Ms. Gwen Hopson
Ms. Patricia House
Mrs. Marie Harris Green in loving memory Ms. Cathererine Hooks
Mr. George Hudson
Ms. Joyce L. Hunter
Ms. Mary Jacksteit
Mrs. Brenda & Dr. David F Jaffe, MD, in honor of Marcia Jaffe and the Shaker Group on Race Relations (SGORR)
Mr. Bernard Leon James, Sr.
Mr. Harold E. James
Mr. John & Mrs. Ernestine Jenkins
Mr. Richard & Mrs. Lillie Jessie
Mr. David Johnson
Mr. Rudy Johnson
Mr. Theodore Johnson and Mrs. Julie A. Johnson
Jones Junction
Elijah Johnson
Mr. Rodolfo Johnson
Mr. Theodore Johnson and Mrs. Julie A. Johnson
Ms. Leafay Jones in honor of Mr. & Mrs. Adlean Henry
Jones Junction
Ms. Patricia & Mr. Stephen Kazlo
Ms. Kathleen Keen
Ms. Dianne Klair
Mr. Francisco O. Landers in honor of Mateo A. Landers
Ms. Cynthia Laurie
Mr. Joshua League
Mrs. Cleathan S. Lewis and Mr. Robert H. Lewis
Ms. Donna E. Lewis
Samuel J. Ennis Lodge, F. & A. PHA
Lyvonne Group Partners
Mr. Alfred and Mrs. Barbara Malloy
Mr. Bruce & Mrs. Barbara Martin
Ms. Tanika V. Martin
Mr. Thomas May
Ms. Charita Mayo
Mr. James & Mrs. Mary McCauley
Mr. Jack & Mrs. Cheryl McLaughlin
RW Lawrence K. Montgomery, Jr.
J. Noble Mentzer on behalf of Mr. Daniel Stevens
J. Noble Mentzer on behalf of Mr. Bobby Parker, Class of 1962
Ms. Ellen L. Mencer in honor of Mr. Leon Grimes
Mr. Ben & Mrs. Diane Mertorana
Mr. Al Miller
Ms. Agnes Minor
Mr. James Mitchell, Jr.
Benedict Mortorana
Dr. Malcolm J. Murray, DDS PC
Ms. Sandra Nething
Network for Good
North East Towson Improvement Association, Inc.
Ms. Marita O'Connell
One Stop Liquors
Mr. Neal & Mrs. Robin Outing
Ms. Beverly Parker
Ms. Harriet Parker
Mr. Al Peteraf & Mrs. Suzanne Chadwick-Petera
Mr. John Peyton
Ms. Teresa Polk
Mr. Curthis & Mrs. Toni Porter
Ms. Marla Lea Posey-Moss
City Councilman Jason Robertson & Ms. Tracy Robertson
Mr. Neal & Mrs. Robin Outing
Ms. Lenora Robinson
Temesgen Samuel
Mr. Chris & Mrs. Elena Sempos
Ms. Melissa Sharff
Mr. Brian Simmons
Ms. Cynthia Simpson
Ms. Helen Sloan
Ms. Janice Smith in memory of Mr. Clayton D. Edwards
Colonel (Ret) Johnny Smith
Ms. Brenda "Thurl" Snell
Ms. Barbara Snyder
Stack & Store Mini Storage, LLC.
Rubbie Speights
Mr. Richard Stubing
Mr. Wilbert Terry
Ms. Bonita J. Thomas
Mr. Mark Thomas
Ms. Christine Tolbert
Honorable Cassandra Tomarchio
Kadiatoy Traore
Ms. Cheryl Tucker
Union United Methodist Church
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Harford County
Ruth & Clarence Vaughn
Mr. Jerry Warfield
Mrs. Marjorie Warfield
Ms. Maxine Warfield
Ms. Dominique White
Mr. Reginald Wilks
Ms. Brenda Williams
Ms. Kerri B. Williams
Mr. Joseph & Mrs. Constance Williams
Mr. Kenneth & Mrs. Merle Wilson
Ms. Carolyn Woodson
Honorable Monica Worrell
Mr. Leon & Mrs. Mattie Yarbough

$50 +
Christopher ProvidenceChristopher ProvidenceCrispin Abad
Mr. Andrew Adams
Errolyn Anderson
Patience Afanie
Mrs. Tinisha Belt
Ms. Linda & Mr. George Blake
Ms. Erica Blanch
Ms. Diane Ampey Brown
Ms. Candice Bryant
Ms. Sheila Bryant
Ms. Jeanenne M. Butler
Mr. Charles Byrd (Mr. Gary Lee)
Mr. Bradford Caldwell
Ms. Mabel S. Carlton
Mr. Thomas Carroll
Ms. Colleen Cates
Mr. George Cardona
Ms. Mabel S. Carlton
Mr. Thomas Carroll
Ms. Lisa Dawson
Mr. Larry Dickinson
Mr. John Durand
Frances Epps
Ms. Margaret Ferguson
Ms. Vanessa Francis in memory of Patricia A. (Ford) Francis
Ms. Monolyne Gaddy
Anna & Edward Hoover
Ms. Lorraine Jackson
Ms. Gloria R. James
Ms. Rosalind Jeffries
Mrs. Shirleen A. Johnson and Mr. Alfred Martin Johnson, Jr.
Ms. Evelyn Jordan
Ms. Mary Kniep
Mr. Lester Lee, Sr.
Mr. Gary Lee in honor of Ms. Rosetta Jones, Class of 53
Mr. David McCarthy
Mr. James & Mrs. Mary McCauley
Joseph & Patricia Mergler
Seneca Cannery-Special Account, Patricia Mergler
Ms. Camay Murphy
Major Leonard J. Newman
Ms. Brandie A. Parker
Mr. Richard & Irene Pattin
PJ & Co.
T Pierce
Ms. Rhonda Proctor
Mr. Christopher Providence
Carole & Dennis Roney
Mr. Russell & Ms. Sandra Riddell
Mr. Dennis & Mrs. Carole Roney
Ms. Amy Rosenkrans
Ms. Doris Runice
Mr. Russell & Ms. Sandra Riddell
Marion Seth
Ms. Rebecca Sledge
Pelbea Sharpe
Mr. Hermon & Mrs. Angela Smith
Rev. Marcus Stansbury
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Stump
Rosalind & Dennis Thomas
Mr. Dennis & Mrs. Rosalind Thomas
Regena Walker
Deann Webb
Mr. Rowland Webb
Mr. Harvey and Mrs. Dorthula Woodson
Mr. Lawrence Worthington, Jr. & Mrs. Cheryl Worthington

$25 +
Ms. Patience Afranie
Ms. Lillian L. Alston
Mr. Willie & Maitonia Barr
Ms. Adelaide Bentley
Ms. Christie J. Blackmon
Mr. Michael Bracknell
Ms. Patrice Brown
Mr. Timothy Butler
Ms. Joy Carter
Kathleen Carter
Ms. Cynitha Chambers
Ms. Penny Cortez
Antoinette Coward
Ms. Lisa Davis
Ms. Paulette D. Dennis
Ms. Brigette' Dickerson in memory of Mr. LeRoy Dickerson
Ms. Renee M. Forney
Ms. Loretta Freeman
Ms. Mary Ann Gross
Mr. Jimmy Hall
Ms. Pamela Holt
Ms. Joyce L. Hunter
Ms. Virginia L. Jones
Mr. Hyndel Kempler
Ms. Imani Lewis
Ms. Ophelia R. Marable
Ms. Patricia Mergler
Ms. Casandra Monroe
Mr. Joseph Megler, Jr. & Mrs. Patricia Mergler
Remeja Murray
Mr. Peter & Mrs. Nichole Murray
Ms. Cheryl Oliver
Ms. Donna Oliver-Freeman
Ms. Rosa Perry
Ms. Hellen Reddick
Ms. Mary C. Richardson
Del Sellers
Ms. Doretha Walker
Mr. Van Washington
Chiwy Webster
Ms. Patricia M. Willis
Ms. Patricia Willard
Errin Williams
Mr. Brian Wilson
Mr. Al Wood
Mr. Lawrence & Mrs. Cheryl Worthington

Ms. Erica Alexander
Ms. Kathryn Baerwald
Mr. Timothy Butler
Sue Capp
Queen Carroll
Mr. John Cooper
Ryan Duff
Ms. Michele Edmonds
Ms. Evelyn El
Gene Fitzgerald
Daniel Fountain
Mr. Jimmy Hall
Ms. Barbara Kemp
Bruce & Barbara Martin
Ms. Amelia Merrill
Ms. Barbara Mobarak
Ms. Val Oliver
Mr. Richard Presbury
Ms. Cora Wilson
Newsome Awards in honor of Dr. Frederick Douglass Were-Newsome.
Ms. Lavinia Wishon in honor Ms. Bertha Waldon (Taylor)